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Why Foucault’s work on power is more important than ever | Aeon Essays
Original, painstaking, sometimes frustrating and often dazzling. Imagine you are asked to compose an ultra-short history of philosophy, work essays. You could do worse than to search for the single word that best captures the ideas of every important philosopher.
Foucault remains one of the most cited 20th-century thinkers and is, according to some lists, the single most cited figure across the humanities and social sciences. His two most referenced works, Discipline and Punish: The Birth of the Prison work essays The History of Sexuality, Volume Oneare the central sources for his analyses of power, work essays.
Interestingly enough, however, Foucault was not always known for his signature word. He first gained his massive influence in with the publication of The Order of Things. This was not just a French fashion. In Richard Rorty, surely the most infamous American philosopher of his generation, summed up the new spirit in the title of his anthology of essays, The Linguistic Turn, work essays. Anglo-American philosophy followed the same line, and so too did most French philosophers except they tended toward the linguistic nature of irrationality instead.
For his part, work essays, however, Foucault moved on, somewhat singularly among his generation. Rather than staying in the world of words, work essays, in the work essays he shifted his philosophical attention to power, work essays, an idea that promises to help explain how words, or anything else for that matter, come to give things the order that they have.
Power, work essays, in Foucault, is not another philosophical godhead, work essays. F oucault did not attempt to construct a philosophical fortress around his signature concept.
He had witnessed first-hand how the arguments of the linguistic-turn philosophers work essays brittle once they were deployed to analyse more and more by way of words, work essays. So Foucault himself expressly refused to develop an overarching theory of power. Interviewers would sometimes press him to give them a unified theory, work essays, but he always demurred.
Such a theory, he said, was simply not the goal of his work. Yet he did not himself offer a philosophy of power. How could this be possible? His is a philosophical approach to power characterised by innovative, painstaking, sometimes frustrating, and often dazzling attempts to politicise power itself.
He wanted to free philosophy to track the movements of work essays, the heat and the fury of it working to define the order of things. Before Foucault, political philosophers had presumed that power had an essence: be it sovereignty, work essays, or mastery, or unified control. Thomas Hobbesthe English philosopher and original theorist of work essays power, saw the essence of power as state sovereignty.
Hobbes thought that at its best and purest power work essays be exercised from the singular position of sovereignty. Foucault never denied the reality of state power in the Hobbesian sense. But his political philosophy emanates from his work essays about the assumption and it was a mere assumption until Foucault called it into question that the only real power is sovereign power.
Foucault accepted that there were real forces of violence in the world, and not only state violence. There is also corporate violence due to work essays condensations of capital, gender violence in the form of patriarchy, work essays, and the violences both overt and subtle of white supremacy in such forms as work essays slavery, real-estate redlining, and now mass incarceration. What he doubted was the assumption that we could extrapolate from this easy observation the more complex thought that power only ever appears in Leviathan-like form.
Power is all the more cunning because its basic forms can change in response to our efforts to free ourselves from its grip.
In seeing through the imaginary singularity of power, work essays, Foucault was able to also envision it set against itself. He was able to hypothesise, and therefore to study, the possibility that power does not always assume just one form and that, in virtue of this, a given form of power can coexist alongside, or even come into conflict with, other forms of power, work essays. Such coexistences and conflicts, of course, are not mere speculative conundrums, but are the sort of stuff that one would need to empirically analyse in order to understand.
What these studies reveal is that power, which easily frightens us, turns out to be all the more cunning because its basic forms of operation can change in response to our ongoing efforts to free ourselves from its grip, work essays.
To take just one example, Foucault wrote about the way in which a classically sovereign space such as the judicial court came to accept into its proceedings the testimony of medical and psychiatric experts whose authority and power were exercised without recourse to sovereign violence. Foucault showed how the sovereign work essays of Work essays think crowns, congresses and capital has over the past years come to confront two new forms of power: disciplinary power which he also called anatomo-politics because of its detailed attention to training the human body and bio-politics, work essays.
More than any other book, work essays, it is Discipline and Punish in which Foucault constructs his signature, meticulous style of enquiry into the actual mechanisms of power. While Foucault worked on this book, he was deeply engaged in its material, work essays, leading research seminars and giving huge public lectures that are now being published under such titles as The Punitive Society and Psychiatric Power.
When he eventually organised his archival materials into a book, the result was the consolidated and efficient argumentation of Discipline and Punish. It is power in the form of correct training. Discipline does not strike down the subject at whom it is directed, in the way that sovereignty does. Discipline works more subtly, with an exquisite care even, in order to produce obedient people. The exemplary manifestation of disciplinary power is the prison.
For Foucault, the important work essays about this institution, the most ubiquitous site of punishment in the modern world but practically non-existent as a form of punishment before the 18th centuryis not the way in which it locks up the criminal by force. Work essays is the sovereign element that persists in modern prisons, and is fundamentally no different from the most archaic forms of sovereign power that work essays violent force over the work essays, the exile, the slave and the captive, work essays.
Foucault looked beyond this most obvious element in order to see more deeply into the elaborate institution of the prison. Why had the relatively inexpensive techniques of torture and death work essays given way over the course of modernity to the costly complex of the prison?
Was it just, as we are wont to believe, because we all started to become more humanitarian in the 18th century? Foucault thought that such an explanation would be sure to miss the fundamental way in which power work essays when spectacles of torture give way to labyrinthine prisons.
The purpose of constant surveillance is to compel prisoners to regard themselves as subject to correction. Foucault argued that if you look at the way in which prisons operate, that is, work essays, at their mechanics, work essays, it becomes evident that they are designed not so much to lock away criminals as to submit them to training rendering them docile, work essays. Prisons are first and foremost not houses of confinement but departments of correction.
The crucial part work essays this institution is not the cage of the prison cell, but the routine of the timetables that govern the daily lives of prisoners. Importantly, all of the elements of prison surveillance are continuously made visible. Prisoners must be made to know that they are subject to continual oversight. The purpose of constant surveillance is not to scare prisoners who are thinking of escaping, but rather to compel them to regard themselves as subject to correction.
The crucial move of imprisonment is that of coaxing prisoners to learn how to inspect, manage and correct themselves. If effectively designed, supervision renders prisoners no longer in need of their supervisors. For they will have become their own attendant. This is docility. T o illustrate this distinctly modern form of power, work essays, Foucault used an image in Discipline and Punish that has become justly famous, work essays.
From the archives of history, Foucault retrieved an almost-forgotten scheme of the canonical English moral philosopher Jeremy Bentham Central to his proposal was that of an architecture work essays for correction. The design of the Panopticon was simple. A circle of cells radiate outward from a central guard tower. Each cell is positioned facing the tower and lit by a large window from the rear so that anyone inside the tower could see right work essays the cell in order to easily apprehend the activities of the work essays therein.
The guard tower is eminently visible to the prisoners but, work essays, because of carefully constructed blind windows, the prisoners cannot see back into the tower to know if they are being watched.
This is a design of ceaseless surveillance. The Work essays might seem to have remained a dream. But the important thing about the Panopticon was that it was a general dream. One need not be locked away in a prison cell to be subject to its designs of disciplinary dressage. To be sure, disciplinary training is not sovereign violence. But it is power. Classically, power took the form of force or coercion and was considered to be at its purest in acts of physical violence. Discipline acts otherwise, work essays.
It gets a hold of us differently. It does not seize our bodies to destroy them, as Leviathan always threatened to do. All of this amounts to, Foucault saw, a distinctly subtle and relentless form of power.
To refuse to recognise work essays disciplining as a form of work essays is a denial of how human life has come to be shaped and lived. If the only form of power we are willing to recognise is sovereign violence, work essays, we are in a poor position to understand the stakes of power today.
If we are unable to see power in its other forms, we become impotent to resist all the other ways in which power brings itself to bear in forming us. Disciplinary anatomo-politics persists alongside sovereign power as well as the power of bio-politics. In his next book, The History of Work essaysFoucault argued that bio-politics helps us to understand how garish sexual exuberance persists in a culture that regularly tells itself that its true sexuality is being repressed.
Bio-power does not forbid sexuality, but rather regulates it in the maximal interests of very particular conceptions of reproduction, family and health. It would have been unlikely, if not impossible, to achieve this by sovereign acts of direct physical coercion, work essays.
Much more effective were the armies of medical men who helped to straighten out their patients for their own supposed self-interest. Other forms of power also persist in our midst.
The strident philosophical skepticism in which his thought work essays rooted is not directed against the use of philosophy for the analysis of power, work essays. Rather, it is suspicious of the bravado behind the idea that philosophy can, and also must, reveal the hidden essence of things.
That means too refusing to latch on to static definitions of power. Only in following power everywhere that it operates does freedom have a good chance of flourishing. Only by analysing power in its multiplicity, as Foucault did, do we have a chance to mount a multiplicity of freedoms that would counter all the different ways in which power comes to define the limits of who we can be.
The irony of a philosophy that would define power once and for all work essays that it would thereby delimit the essence of freedom, work essays. Such a philosophy would make freedom absolutely unfree. But those who are unwilling to decide today what might begin to count as freedom tomorrow find Foucault, at least with respect to our philosophical perspectives, freeing.
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, time: 10:01Essays (Montaigne) - Wikipedia

Sep 14, · If your next assignment is a written essay, the brainstorming/mind map method can work particularly well to help you clarify your thoughts and the links between them. Linear note-taking / The Essays (French: Essais, pronounced) of Michel de Montaigne are contained in three books and chapters of varying length. They were originally written in Middle French and were originally published in the Kingdom of blogger.comgne's stated design in writing, publishing and revising the Essays over the period from approximately to was to record "some traits of my character Advocacy is a concept embraced by social work and advocating for clients is vital for the social work profession. The primary goals of advocacy are achieving social justice and people empowerment. In achieving these goals, a proactive, responsive and participatory approach is necessary (Pardeck, )
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