The purpose of the informational interview is to encourage you to gather more information about a particular profession, a person, or a particular organization. It is an opportunity to approach a professional in order to ask specific questions about such things as skills needed to enter a field, educational requirements of a given profession, or the types of responsibilities that characterize a given job File Size: 29KB Informational Interview - Essay Example. Add to wishlist Delete from wishlist. Summary. MEMO Kama Simonds Informative Interview with a Business Owner Introduction The collection of data can be achieved through several ways and by the use of different instruments. One of these is the use of an interview, which may also be used in a Informational Interview Research Paper Words | 4 Pages. Purpose of the Interview The purpose of this informational interview is to collect information about a specific type of job, about a career field, an industry, and/or a company and the relevant information about the realities of working within that particular field or position
Informational Interview Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - words
Owner of Nutra-Planet, Sam Hong, is a respected, hardworking informational interview essay that gave me advice that will be very useful in the future. Nutra-Planet is an online supplement store that has been growingly rapidly the past few years. I met informational interview essay Mr. Hong for about twenty minutes, and discussed things such as: the education needed to work in his business, his job setting, required skills, and many other things.
I chose Mr. He was a very polite man, and he said that he always enjoys the chance to share his knowledge with people. I interviewed him at his main office and I dressed business casual. I really learned an abundance about owning your own business, and it gave me an informational interview essay of what I needed to do if I decided to own my own store. Hong was the type informational interview essay education needed, not just to work there, but to actually have an opportunity to advance.
He told me that he is interested in someone who knows both the business aspect and the supplement knowledge aspect of running the business. In order to pursue this path, I would be more successful finding a major supplement chain like his that has opportunities for advancement.
My major now is marketing, and he said that will definitely help me in the future. I need to know the business aspects if I want to run day to day operations.
Job Setting My next question for Mr. Hong was the type of job setting that his business offered. From the casual, friendly atmosphere to the layout of the online store and warehouse, all things need to come together to make the customer want to come back, and tell all their friends about it also. This requires a knowledgeable staff that is helpful to everyone, and a friendly personality is as important to him as the experience an employer brings with him. Required Skills When I asked Mr.
Hong about the skills that were required to be hired in an upper-level position in this business, he told me there were two different avenues to advance through; the business aspect or the customer relations aspects, informational interview essay. He said that it is crucial for his employees to work well with other employees, and be able to take criticism and advice.
Although I am majoring in business, I would still love to work hands on with customers. The personality to interact with others and assure them that you know what you are talking about when it comes to supplements. Conclusion The interview with Mr. Hong went very well, and he was said that he was happy that he could answer my questions, informational interview essay. He emphasized that it is very important to stay in school and make sure that I graduate, informational interview essay, because if I ever need any loans or anything it will help out tremendously if I have a good background and a degree.
I will make sure that I interview more people in the future because I believe that it is a huge help to talk to someone face to face instead of reading stuff online. Informational Interview.
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How to Have an Informational Interview - My SECRET to Networking \u0026 Job Seeking!
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Informational Interview Research Paper Words | 4 Pages. Purpose of the Interview The purpose of this informational interview is to collect information about a specific type of job, about a career field, an industry, and/or a company and the relevant information about the realities of working within that particular field or position May 20, · Chew On This - Informational Writing Pages: 2 ( words) How Does “informational Asymmetry” Undermine Our Market Economy? Pages: 2 ( words) Evaluate the usefulness of the documents in the interview pack for a given organisation Pages: 3 ( words) Counselor Interview Pages: 6 ( words) Case Manager Interview Pages: 9 ( words) An Informational interview is “an informal conversation with someone working in an area of interest to you who will give Trends and Globalization in Business Management Trends and Globalization in Business Management Today, the labor market is characterized by stiff competition
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