Apr 14, · Examining all the different possible PhD in higher education thesis topics in the study will give you the best chance of picking a subject that enthrals you. The vast majority of graduates of schools offering qualifications in studies do this, adhering to a number of very important principles The PhD in Creativity is known for providing a tailored, personalized experience for each of its students and their unique, interdisciplinary dissertations. In service of this goal, the PhD in Creativity operates via a single-cohort model, accepting a new cohort every three years as the previous group finishes Here is a list of PhD and EdD theses completed in the recent past at the Faculty of Education. Name. Topic. Supervisor. Year of Completion. Maria Luisa Alonso. Poetry for young people and cultural imbalances: a postcolonial approach to the current situation in Spain and France. David Whitley
Ideas for Academic Dissertation Topics in Education -
This collection contains theses and dissertations from the Department of Education, collected from the Scholarship Western Electronic Thesis and Dissertation Repository Follow.
Assessing Self-Regulation in Grade 1 Writers: An Evaluation of the Reliability and Phd thesis education of the Interview on Self-Regulation in Early WritingAshley A. Individual Differences in Executive Functioning and Psycho-emotional Well-being and the Impact of Acute Exercise on Children and Youth with ADHDMadeline Crichton.
Phd thesis education youth healthy relationships programming in Indigenous communities through co-creation and collaboration: A feasibility studyKelsey Huson, phd thesis education. Call for Inclusion: A Study of Global Citizenship Education and the SES Achievement Gap in Chinese Higher Education Institutions phd thesis education, Yang Hu.
Exploring Effectiveness of Implementation of the MindUP Program Through Implementor PerspectivesMaria Jelic. Barriers to Safety Planning and Best Practices for Supporting Survivors of Domestic Violence in Rural, Remote, and Northern RegionsSara Kohtala. Early adversity and positive parenting: Predicting executive functioning in children with ASDElizabeth A. Investigating the Experiences of Faculty Members and Administrators with Quality Assurance and Accountability in Higher Education in OntarioMelanie Lawrence.
Phd thesis education High School Science Word List OHSWLMohamed Mahfouz, phd thesis education. Mandated to Move: Teacher Identified Barriers, Phd thesis education, and Recommendations to Implementing Daily Physical ActivityLauren Martyn. Understanding Service Gaps and Support Opportunities in the Treatment of Childhood AnxietyChelsey R.
Curriculum, Theory and Practice: Exploring Nurses' and Nursing Students' Knowledge of, Attitudes Towards and Self- Efficacy in Caring for The Elderly in CanadaAmany Farag Mohamed.
Exploring the Feasibility of a Concurrent Mindful Awareness Program, M3, for Children in a Community SettingAlyssa E. A Systematic Literature Review of Intergenerational Literacy StudiesLing Niu.
Investigating All-Gender Bathrooms in Ontario Schools: A Multi-Sited Case StudyKenan Omercajic. Adversity, phd thesis education, Neurodevelopment, and Cognition in Attention Deficit Hyperactivity DisorderAlissa Papadopoulos. Individual Differences in Lifestyle Factors and the Effects of Acute Exercise on Executive Functioning in Children and Youth with ADHDJasmyn Skinner. Seeking Host Community Perspectives in a U. Sustainable Coping Among Experienced OperatorsLisa Vanderloop. Jamaican Secondary School Principals' Work and Occupational Well-beingAnnette R.
Neither Seen Nor Heard: Surviving Children of Domestic HomicideAlexis Winfield. Caring phd thesis education Teachers: Exploring Pre-Service Teacher Well-Being, Self-Efficacy, and Vicarious TraumaBernadette Yeo.
Internationalization of Regional Higher Education in China: A Critical Policy Case Study of A Transnational Double-Degree ProgramHailiang Zhao. Racialized Women's Experiences of Sexual Violence and Harassment in Canadian Higher Education: An Intersectional AnalysisShirin Abdmolaei. Providing Trauma and Violence Phd thesis education Care to Preservice Teachers: A look into perceived behaviours and self-efficacy when working with children impacted by interpersonal and structural violenceChristina Amico.
The Use of Reading Strategies in Second Language Adult LearnersTaninder Atwal. Toward Common Worlds Pedagogies in Early Childhood Education: A Response to the Challenges of the AnthropoceneAdrianne Bacelar de Castro. Exploring the Experiences of High School Syrian Refugee Students with Interrupted Formal Education and their Teachers in ELD ClassroomsHiba Barek.
Understanding the Effects of Physical Activity on Executive Functioning and Psycho-Emotional Well-Being in Children with ADHDHannah B. Standing on the forefront of school mental health: Building upon capacity in teacher candidates through mental health literacy and trauma-and-violence-informed-carePhd thesis education L. Is Responsible Leadership Possible? Exploring the Experiences of Business Leaders, Educators, and ScholarsKanina Blanchard. Becoming a cosmopolitan teacher: Empirical and theoretical inquiresJames S.
Leadership Effectiveness in International School Contexts: A Synthetic Phd thesis education of Emergent LiteratureMichael C, phd thesis education. Exploring the Impacts of Learning Challenges for Children Not Yet Identified with a Learning DisabilityGiuseppe D. Barriers to Accessing Community Mental Health Services for Migrant YouthCharlotte A.
Investigating an Approach to Integrating Computational Thinking into an Undergraduate Calculus CourseErin Clements. A Study of Gender Representation in Silver Birch Award Nominees from and A Queer Theory PerspectiveSara DiMarco. What Do Students Say about Writing?
How Student Experiences Can Inform Canadian Writing Studies PedagogyChristopher Eaton. Challenges for police in safety planning and risk management for adults victims and children living with domestic violence: Barriers and promising practicesCarolyn Anne Fraser.
The Flipped Spanish Classroom: Student Engagement, Satisfaction and AutonomyAna Garcia-Allen. Microdosing Mindfulness: Understanding the Effects of Brief Mindfulness Meditation in Children with ADHDMarcus D. Psychosocial Factors and Early Career College Faculty: Teacher Identity, Teaching Self-efficacy, phd thesis education, and Sense of BelongingKathryn D. The impact of multiliteracies and multimodality on ESL learners: Using Neuroimaging TechnologiesWenyu Huang. Construction and Preliminary Validation of the interRAI Developmental DomainsJo Ann M.
Developing a Feasible Survey for Community Organizations to Evaluate a Healthy Relationships ProgramMaria C. A Critical Discourse Study of Programmatic Literacy Curricula in Ontario: Knowledge, Power, phd thesis education, and Discourse in an Age of DiversitySusan Ibdah.
Learning Experiences in International Exchange Programs: Perspectives of Chinese Undergraduate Students in CanadaXue Ji. Entrepreneurial Teachers: The Novice and the ExperiencedNajmeh Keyhani, phd thesis education. Common Factors in Military Domestic Homicides: Implications for Prevention and InterventionMariah Krancevich. Project-based learning PBL in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics STEM : Perspectives of Students with Special Education Needs SENsKayla Lambie, phd thesis education.
Coping and Stress Related to Support Needs: Assessing Needs in Parent and Caregivers of Children with Down syndromephd thesis education, Yejin Esther Lee. A Comparative Study on Artificial Intelligence CurriculaLi Li. Mental Health Literacy and Ontario Secondary School CurriculumChristine J. Motives of Caregivers for Children with FASD to Become Peer MentorsLydia Murray. Formative Space: Literacy Practices in 21st Century Curriculum MakingMary C. Peer to Peer Mentoring: A Multiple-Case Study Evaluating the LINKS Peer Support ProgramPetra Owusu.
Acceptability of Making Mindfulness Matter M3 : A Community Based Program For Families Experiencing AdversityEmilia Pacholec. Trauma and Violence-Informed Care: Evaluating the Impact on Teacher Candidate Attitudes and Intended Responses Towards Problem Behaviour of Students Affected by TraumaMichelle M. Improving international teacher retention in São Paulo international schools: what can leaders do?
Exploring the Acquisition of American Sign Language by Deaf Kindergarten Children: Early Language Phd thesis education and the Use of Appropriate ResourcesJenelle Rouse.
Seniors, French, and Conversation Groups: An Investigation Into Seniors Who Pursue French As A Leisure ActivityAlan D, phd thesis education. An Examination of Child and Youth Mental Health Service Urgency in OntarioValbona Semovski. Challenges and Social Supports of Chinese Parachute Kids in a Canadian Secondary School: A Case StudyYueyi Su.
The Psychosocial Functioning of Children with Chronic Health Conditions: A Meta-AnalysisSerena Thompson. Direct and Indirect Non-Suicidal Self-Injury NSSI Expression: An Investigation into the Nature of NSSI and Childhood MaltreatmentEmma Truffyn. The Effects of Spoken Input on Learning the Spoken Forms of Second Language Words: Studies of Frequency of Exposure, Acoustic Variability, and Mode of InputTakumi Uchihara.
Development of Teacher Efficacy for Inclusive Practices in Canadian TeachersMcKenzie Vanderloon. Philanthropic And Impact Investment In Education: Examining The Implementation Phd thesis education Financing Of ICT Initiatives In Education In East Asia And The Pacific And South AsiaDaphne Lilia Varghese.
University Phd thesis education of the Confucius Institute: A Case Study in CanadaYinan Wang. Understanding Indigenous and non-Indigenous Perspectives of Reconciliation: A Case StudyKaitlyn Watson. Policy Transfer Across Borders: An Actor Network Analysis of Standards for Principals and Vice-Principals in ChinaWei Wei. Integrating Gwich'in and Inuvialuit Perspectives in a Community School in the Northwest Territories: A Case StudyJanna M.
How can we Predict Incidental L2 Vocabulary Learning? A Meta-Analytic Examination of the Involvement Load HypothesisAkifumi Yanagisawa. The Sequelae of Psychological Symptoms Exhibited by Children Phd thesis education to Trauma: A Developmental PerspectiveYing Annie Yang.
Unique Challenges in Risk Assessment with Rural Domestic Violence Victims: Implications for PracticeNicole L. Listening-Based Activities Promoting Productive Knowledge of Formulaic Sequences: Examining the effectiveness of dictoglossXi Yu. Knock on the door: A feminist standpoint theory case study of internationally educated Chinese females finding academic positions in ChinaChenzi Feng Zhao.
Community Based Support Group for Siblings of Children phd thesis education Down Syndrome: A Pilot StudyAshley R. STEAM Education in Ontario, Canada: A Case Study on the Curriculum and Instructional Models of Four K-8 STEAM ProgramsMarja G. Perceptions of Settlement Workers on the Needs and Challenges of Female Syrian RefugeesSheffy Bhayee. Exploring Young Children's Encounters with the More-Than-Human: A Multispecies EthnographySarah Kathleen Black.
The Use of Social and Cultural Capital as Refugee Mothers Transition Their Children to Ontario EducationCourtney A. Strengthening the School-Family Partnership: Parents' Experiences with the Parents in Partnership with Phd thesis education Program PIPEphd thesis education, Courtney Cadieux.
An Examination of Predictors of Quality of Life in Children and Adolescents receiving Mental Health ServicesAngela Maria Louisa Celebre. Collaborative mind mapping to support online discussion in teacher educationRosa Cendros Araujo. Advanced Search. Home About FAQ My Account Accessibility Statement Privacy Copyright.
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rows · The Patterns of Governance in Higher Education and their Impact on University The Department of Philosophy also offers a program leading to the degree of Doctor of Philosophy. The degree requires 72 points. The department requires that 48 points (the “basic points”) be as specified below, and 4 additional points be earned by taking one semester of the Work in Progress Seminar as specified below. 20 of the total 72 points may be in dissertation research, although the Theses/Dissertations from PDF. Community Based Support Group for Siblings of Children with Down Syndrome: A Pilot Study, Ashley R. Amicarelli. PDF. STEAM Education in Ontario, Canada: A Case Study on the Curriculum and Instructional Models of Four K-8
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